Have you thought about investing or trading? 

In this episode of The Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Jeremy Delk.  Jeremy is a serial entrepreneur. Since 2001, his businesses have earned hundreds of millions in revenue, created 100’s of high paying American jobs, as well as other notable distinctions. He started the day trading at the age of sixteen, learning and failing with each trade. It is this process of adapting through failures that is paramount to his success in business. He founded Delk Enterprises, that has grown from making $6,000 in its first year in business to a diversified VC fund that has built and exited investments in both private and public transactions.

Today, more than 20 years later, Delk Enterprises has holdings in biotech & healthcare, consumer brands, technology, building materials, and real estate development. He is now focusing on investing in and advising entrepreneurs through speaking. His upcoming book shares his reality of the Good, Bad, and UGLY of entrepreneurship. 

Learn how a failure can lead you to success & how to avoid mistakes in entrepreneurship.

Check this out!

Jeremy's Website: https://jeremydelk.com/

Jeremy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremysdelk/?hl=en

Book a call with Michelle: https://go.appointmentcore.com/book/IcFD4cG

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The Business Ownership Group - Secrets to Scaling: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessownershipsecretstoscaling

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