Want to master your sales skills?

In this episode of The Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Amanda Abella. She is a sales expert and the Founder & CEO of Make Money Your Honey. Her clients go from hating sales and marketing to achieving 90% close rates and closing multiple five-figure deals. Her work has been featured in Forbes, Huffington Post, Business Insider, Univision and many more.

Prior to teaching marketing and sales, Amanda spent a decade as a financial writer and wrote content for companies like Wells Fargo, Discover, Credit Karma, Santander and more. She’s also partnered with companies like Capital One and Transunion in financial education campaigns.

She’s also the Amazon bestselling author of Make Money Your Honey, a podcast host, award winning content creator, keynote speaker and has created a community of over 60,000 people across social media channels.

Learn how to break through traditional barriers and master sales skills. 

Check this out!

Show Links:

Free Gift: https://oo229.isrefer.com/go/MichelleNedelecScrip/MichelleNedelec/

Make Your Money Your Honey : https://www.amandaabella.com/make-money-your-honey/

Amanda Abella LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandaabella/

Book a call with Michelle: https://go.appointmentcore.com/book/IcFD4cG

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The Business Ownership Group - Secrets to Scaling: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessownershipsecretstoscaling

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