Want to increase your revenue?

In this episode of The Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Kristin Zhivago. Kristin is the president of Zhivago Partners, a digital marketing management company that serves both B2B and B2C clients in a variety of industries. She is a revenue coach, helping CEOs and entrepreneurs sell the way her customers want to buy. Her 5-star book, Roadmap to Revenue: How to Sell the Way Your Customers Want to Buy was chosen by Forbes as one of the top sales and marketing books. Zhivago speaks frequently on the subject of the customer’s buying process, which she was one of the first to identify as being key to selling to today’s customers, and about building your business to compete effectively in our fast-changing, hyper-competitive markets.

Learn how to fine tune your marketing so that your customers can buy easily, and, you can increase your revenue. Check this out!


Show Links: 

"Roadmap to Revenue: How to Sell the Way Your Customers Want to Buy Book" on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Roadmap-Revenue-Sell-Your-Customers-ebook/dp/B07FMN9BPP?ref_=ast_author_mpb

Zhivago Partners Website: https://zhivagopartners.com/

Book a call with Michelle: https://www.AwarenessStrategies.com/m30

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The Business Ownership Group - Secrets to Scaling: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessownershipsecretstoscaling

Looking to scale your business? Get free gifts here to help you on your way: https://www.awarenessstrategies.com/


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